The Final Conference of INSURE took place in Norrköping on April 10th 2019. The aim of the day was to present all the highlights of the project including sustainable remediation at the pilot areas, management methods to create more efficient and increased remediation rate and development of technical tools such as GIS, models and databases.

The invitation to the Final Conference was sent to authorities, universities, consultants and enterprises who have an interest in the work with contaminated sites. In total the conference had around 80 participants.
Opening of the Final Conference (Jenny Hultgren and Magnus Kviele, project managers)
Opening of the Final Conference
INSURE project workpackage 1 Sustainable remediation of contaminated sites (Harri Talvenmäki and Niina Lallukka, University of Helsinki)
INSURE project workpackage 2 Strategic management methods for contaminated sites
Self-monitoring and plans of action (Elisabeth Omsäter, CAB)
Supervision on enterprises – a case study (Michael Werthén, CAB)
Presentation from an enterprise – Trinseo Sverige AB (Frida Nilsson, Trinseo Sverige AB)
INSURE project workpackage 3 Technical tools for visualization of contaminated sites
GIS methods (Jessica Henestål and John Jernberg, CAB)
Modelling (Sandra Karusa, LEGMC)
Database (Intars Cakars, LEGMC)
What´s up to date at Central Baltic and how has Central Baltic contributed to an improved environment (Ivo Volt, Central Baltic)
Presentation from Central Baltic
Monitoring the Baltic Sea (Mikael Krysell, Head of Division, Environmental Monitoring Division, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)
Thin-layer capping with reactive sorbents – a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable alternative for remediation of polluted sediments. Examples from previous research and the new project CAPTIVE in the Baltic Sea. (Jonas Gunnarsson, Professor in Marine Ecology and Ecotoxicology, Dept of Ecology, Environment and Plant sciences (DEEP) Stockholm University)
Thin-layer capping with reactive sorbents
Posters from the exhibition
INSURE project workpackage 2 Strategic management methods for contaminated sites
Supervision for sustainable remediation
INSURE project workpackage 3 Technical tools for visualization of contaminated sites